Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Computer (Input and Output)

  Nowadays, computer are surrounded us because computer can use in work and study.Once you do something will related with computer.Human now cannot live without computer..Mostly all the jobs also related with computer.Using computer can do the faxing printing and uploading so its also unknown as important things of adults and teenagers.There are many output and input device to operate the computer.







Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Definition of Input Device


An input device is any hardware device that insert data to the computer into memory. Without any input devices, a computer would only be a display device and not allow users to interact with it, much like a TV. Below is a complete listing of all the different computer input devices that can be used on a computer.

Types of input device:

  • Keyboard
  • Mouse
  • Touch screen
  •  game controller

Definition of Output Device


An Output Device is any hardware that convert information to one or many people. Monitors and speakers are the most common output devices, there are many others.Below is a listing of all the different computer output device found on a computer. 

Types of output devices:

  • Printer
  • Projector
  • Speakers
  • Headphones
  • Monitor 
  •  Global Positioning System (GPS)

Monday, 8 July 2013

  Mouse is a input device and also a pointing device that allows a user to control a pointer on the screen.A pointing device can be used to move the insertion point, select text, graphics, and other objects; click buttons, icons, links, and menu command.It is a pointing device that fits under the palm of your hand comfortably.The shape of mouse is top and sides of the mouse has one to four buttons;some also have a small wheel.The bottom of a mouse is flat and contains a mechanism that detects movement of the mouse.  There are several type of mouse:
Laser mouse
Optical mouse
Air mouse
Optical Mouse
  Optical mouse has no moving mechanical parts inside;it uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the mouse's movement.
Laser Mouse
  Uses a laser and more expensive than optical mouse. It can place on nearly all types of flat surface.
Air Mouse
  It is a newer type of mouse,is a motion-sensing mouse, with the typical buttons allow you control objects, media players, and slide shows by moving the mouse in predetermined directions through the air.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

  Keyboard is an input device that contains key users press to enter data and instructions into a computer. Keyboard have tying area, numeric keypad, function keys and toggle key.Tying area is a alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, and other basic keys.Numeric keypad is a calculator-style arrangement of keys representing numbers, a decimal point, and some basic mathematics operators.Function keys, which are labelled with the letter F followed by a number are special keys programmed to issue commands to a computer.Toggle key is a key that switches between 2 state each time a user presses the key.
Compact keyboard

Virtual keyboard
Ergonomic keyboard

Wireless keyboard
Gaming keyboard
Standard keyboard

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Standard keyboard
Through standard keyboard have experience considerable changes in design over the last 20 years, their basic layout remains similar.The average number of keys on a regular keyboard is 105, through some older versions have key in the range of 95-103. Even though standard keyboard are the most basic form of keyboards, they can have slight variations, especially in the manner the keys are placed.

Ergonomic keyboard
Ergonomics refers to the study of methods that can reduce stress on muscles to avoid repetitive strain injury .It mostly deals with optimizing posture and technique while working, so the work can be carried out in the easiest manner with the least possible strain on any muscle,joint or organ.Ergonomic keyboard are designed such a way that typing can be done putting the least amount of stress on the finger and wrists.This is the radical type of keyboard designed to prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, which causes numbness and tingling sensation in the hands and fingers after typing for a long duration.Ergonomic keyboard can come in 2 forms:
As a single piece,where a group of keys have been split in such a way, that the angle at which the user places his or her wrist to type is the least stressful.In the form of separate pieces, each having a group of keys, so that the user can set the angle according to his or her convenience.

Compact keyboard
Compact keyboards are slim and usually do not have the numeric keypad that is present on the right side of other keyboards. These are typically used in laptops, where sizing issues make it difficult to accommodate a standard keyboard. To make up for the small size, these keyboards rely on the use or multiple keys to carry out functions that would only use a single key on a standard-sized keyboard. Some models also include a touch-pad that can be used instead of the mouse.These are not extremely small in size, but offer portability during travel and storage. Another benefit of compact keyboards is that they can be used by people with certain disabilities that hinder them from effectively using hand and finger movements.

Virtual keyboard
Virtual keyboards are software devices that let you input data just like a hardware keyboard. They open up as an application and can be controlled by a mouse or via a touch screen,. They are mainly used in devices which do not necessarily require a keyboard, like a tablet or a smart phone.They are useful as they aid in making the size of the device smaller. Virtual keyboards are also used in situation concerning security, as anything entered on an ordinary keyboard is recorded in a key log,leading to security risks associated with passwords or PIN numbers. This is the reason many banks provide the facility of a virtual keyboard n their on line banking operations.This is was a little information on the different types of keyboards available. Based on your requirement, you can choose any of the keyboards mentioned above. When choosing a keyboard, remember that the most important thing to look for is comfort.

Gaming keyboard
As the name suggests, gaming keyboards are designed specifically for gamers. They include features meant to enhance gaming experience, as well as provide convenient usage for gamers. They include features like volume control, key lighting, programmable,keys, interchangeable keys, touch screens to customize the keyboard, in built joysticks, fancy lighting, and extra.gaming keyboards come in all shapes and sizes, ranging from round keyboards to v-shapes ones, but this is mainly done as a marketing gimmick to attract gamers. Many gaming keyboards are designed after specific types of games. For instance, first-person shooter games require the direction keys to be placed in a manner that do not cause repetitive stress to the fingers and wrists.

Wireless keyboard
As the name suggests, these keyboards do not need to be connected to the computer via a wire. This makes it very convenient for the user to use the keyboard comfortably. Wireless keyboards use three basic types of connections, bluetooth, infrared, and Radio Frequency to connect to the computer.All the three types of wireless keyboards need external power to function. In most models, the power comes from either 2 or 3'AA' batteries.Rare models might have an included battery, which can be charged with the help of a USB cable.In addition to this, all three types also use a transceiver, which connects to a port on the computer and maintains contact between the computer and the keyboard.the best of the low are Bluetooth keyboards.These keyboards connect using Bluetooth technology, and hence have the best range of about 30 feet.Moreover, they are also compatible with other devices that support Bluetooth technology.Next in line are RF keyboards, which have a limited range of only about 6 feet, but are much cheaper than bluetooth keyboards, and much more effective than IR keyboards. The latest models of RF keyboards have no issues
like frequency disturbance, and can be the best bet if you do not need more than around 5 feet of freedom.last come IR keyboards, which have a major drawback. They need to be in the line of the sight of the transceiver. This is makes it very difficult to use such keyboards effectively, and almost impossible to use mice featuring this technology. Though they are not as expensive as Bluetooth keyboards, and have a decent range of about 12 feet, the line of sight problem makes this type very ineffective.


Friday, 5 July 2013

Touch screen

Touch screen

A monitor or other flat surface with a sensitive panel directly on the screen that registers the touch of a finger as input. A touch screen allows a user to interact with a device without a mouse or keyboard for input. An example of a smart phone with a touch screen, this phone has no physical keyboard and all data is inputted using a finger.

Today, the Stylus is not commonly found or used with devices designed as they've been mostly been replaced with touch screens that allow the user to navigate using their finger.